What is Iridology?

: the study of the iris of the eye for indications of bodily health and disease

Iridology is not used in isolation to arrive at a diagnosis, rather it is one of a number of diagnostic tools used by naturopaths around the world, as a reliable representation of a person’s health and wellbeing. 

Dating back to mid 19th century Europe, iridology is based on the examination and interpretation of the colour and structure of the iris, the sclera and the pupil.

The iris is the most complex tissue structure in human anatomy, consisting of a very large number of delicate fibres. These fibres are known to react to the body’s metabolism in a predictable pattern recorded in a system called iridology charts. The colour variations and markings in specific areas of the iris can indicate imbalances and weaknesses within the corresponding organs and tissues.  

Determining where these specific weaknesses and imbalances occur in the body and the nature of those variations can help diagnose the underlying cause of disease.

Iridology reveals the terrain - the tissue status (inflammation), possible levels of intoxication and dysfunction (acute, chronic, or degenerative). It is based on the concept of a person’s level of constitutional strengths, inherent weaknesses, state of health, and the transitions that take place in their organs and tissues according to the way they live. A healthy constitution indicates a body's innate ability to heal itself. 

Each part of the iris represents a reflex zone connected to each organ and tissue in the body. Different structures and markings suggest where particular nurture points might be and need special attention to maintain good health and prevent disease.

The iris can be seen using an iridology torch and a special camera to capture images for further analysis. After initial analysis of each iris, a report can be formulated with detailed information of health priorities.

What iridology can tell us

  • Which part of our body needs support. Like a map, the iris can reveal areas of our body which are under stress and in need of attention.

  • How resilient our body is. Iris density represents structural integrity and the body's level of resistance to illness and stress.

  • Which diseases we may be more susceptible too. The colour of our iris can reveal diseases and illnesses we may be predisposed too.

  • Which health supplements may work best for you and your condition.

  • The status of your gut health and the presence of leaky gut syndrome.

  • By identifying root causes of illness and making appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes, iridology is a non-evasive disease prevention tool.

  • Iridology Consultation and Report
  • Naturopathy Consultation
  • Nutritional Medicine Consultation
  • Herbal Medicine Therapy
  • Dietary Analysis
  • Diagnostic Testing